

Sanem est une commune dynamique qui valorise l'engagement associatif et le bénévolat.
Avec plus de 40 associations et de nombreux clubs sportifs, notre commune offre une multitude d'opportunités pour s'impliquer et enrichir la vie communautaire.
Que vous souhaitiez contribuer à l'organisation d'événements, participer à des activités sportives ou soutenir des initiatives locales, votre engagement est précieux. Ensemble, faisons de Sanem un lieu encore plus convivial et solidaire.

Rejoignez-nous et faites la différence !

All missions from Sanem

Our new missions

Support courses in Luxembourgish

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Education / Training Teenagers (12 - 18 years)

Support courses in Luxembourgish in Soleuvre for secondary school students from different backgrounds Languages spoken by beneficiaries: French, English, Arabic, Tigrigna, Spanish, Turkish Availability to be agreed according to the possibilities of the volunteer and the pupils

Support courses in mathematics

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Education / Training Teenagers (12 - 18 years)

Maths tutoring in Soleuvre for high school students from different backgrounds Languages spoken by beneficiaries: French, English, Arabic, Tigrigna, Spanish, Turkish Availability to be agreed according to the possibilities of the volunteer and the students

Homework help - Fundamental

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Education / Training Children (3 – 12 years)

We are looking for volunteers to help with homework for pupils in the basic cycle in various subjects.

Finding my field of action