Neit ASBL-Gesetz
Fir Iech bei der Konformitéit mam Gesetz vum 7. August 2023 iwwer d’ASBLen an d’Stëftungen ze hëllefen, stelle mir Iech eng Rei praktesch Ressourcen an Informatiounen zur Verfügung.
Our mission
Since 2002, the Agence du Bénévolat has been promoting and developing volunteerism in Luxembourg among public authorities, volunteer organisations and the general public.
The world of organisations is full of opportunities and activities to be carried out. We will help you find the right volunteer opportunity for you, based on your interests, your talents and the time you wish to devote to your volunteer work.
Guide you in your volunteering (digital platform to find an opportunity)
Inform you about volunteering, from the search to the valorisation of your commitment
Help you discover the organisations near you and the solidarity initiatives
Train you in the "soft-skills" of solidarity volunteering (on request)
We offer information sessions on the creation and governance of an organisation as well as free legal advice to support your organisation's project. Coaching can be provided on request to help you manage your volunteer work.
Put you in touch with volunteers (digital platform to publish your opportunities for volunteering)
Inspire you with the initiatives and projects of committed actors
Inform you about volunteering and organisation news
To train you in the creation of an organisation and in the management of a non-profit organisation and in volunteering
The promotion of volunteering allows you to strengthen your support to the organisation and the social link within your community by encouraging meetings between organisations and volunteers.
Our support :
Promotion of volunteering among the inhabitants of your town
Development of the visibility of organisations among volunteers
Training for organisations on volunteer management (on request)
Support for the creation of organisations
By encouraging volunteering among their employees, companies support the public interest missions of organisations that need volunteers with a variety of skills. They open up new perspectives and encourage innovation in support of local communities.
Our support :
Promotion of volunteering among your employees
Day of solidarity
Volunteering of skills
Support for future retirees
During these events, you will have the opportunity to :
meet volunteers and organisations to work together on great projects;
develop your skills and share good practice;
learn more about the current issues surrounding volunteering;
Contribute to a more inclusive and caring society;
share ideas to support and develop voluntary organisations.
We develop the visibility of organisational life and provide a personalised welcome according to the needs of the organisations and the wishes of the volunteers so that the experience is both a source of personal fulfilment and of social utility.
We promote better cooperation between organisations for quality volunteering and raise awareness about civic engagement among public authorities, volunteering organisations and the general public.
We recognise volunteering by awarding the Prix du Mérite du Bénévolat and the BÉNÉVOLAT quality label, and by promoting the visibility of local actors and their initiatives with a positive impact.
By awarding the Prix du Mérite du Bénévolat each year, the Agence du Bénévolat promotes the engagement of volunteers and underlines the valuable contribution of many active volunteers in Luxembourg.
The "BÉNÉVOLAT" quality label is a qualitative approach that allows associations to distinguish themselves because they carefully organise and support voluntary work in their structures.