Volunteer Award of Merit

Recognising and valuing volunteer commitment

The Volunteer Award of Merit is an initiative designed to recognise and reward exemplary volunteers who have distinguished themselves through their commitment, dedication and positive impact on causes close to their hearts.

Logo Label de Qualité de l'agence du Bénévolat

What is the Volunteer Award of Merit?

By awarding the Volunteer Merit Prize each year, the Agence du Bénévolat promotes the value of volunteer commitment and highlights the invaluable contribution of many active volunteers in Luxembourg. Presented on 5 December, International Volunteer Day, the Prize also aims to inspire and encourage others to become actively involved in voluntary work. The award is intended to be symbolic, honouring a volunteer who represents all those involved in the sector of activity defined for the current year.

Theme and selection criteria 2024

A volunteer dedicated to improving the quality of life of vulnerable people

The "Prix du Mérite du Bénévolat" Award will be presented to "a volunteer dedicated to improving the quality of life of vulnerable people through a low-threshold service".

In accordance with the selection criteria, the award will be presented to a committed volunteer:

- Who gives regularly of his or her time by providing low-threshold service
- Improves the quality of life of a vulnerable person
- For at least two years
- In the social, care or healthcare field

Why take part?

Public recognition

The winner of the Award will be highlighted within our network of committed players and to the general public for his or her inspiring contribution.

Prizes and rewards

The winner will receive a certificate and may be eligible for other volunteering awards to recognise their outstanding commitment.

Inspiring others

The Volunteer Award of Merit aims to inspire others to get involved in meaningful voluntary action and to create a virtuous circle of caring.

Who is eligible?

Outstanding commitment

The candidate must have demonstrated a significant commitment to voluntary projects, devoting time and effort to make a lasting contribution.

Positive impact

The volunteer must have played an essential role in carrying out voluntary actions that have had a positive impact on the community and the people concerned.


The candidate must be an inspirational role model for other volunteers and embody the values of solidarity, empathy and mutual aid.

How can you get involved?

  1. Nominations

    Candidates may be nominated by their voluntary organisation or by peers who recognise their outstanding work and positive impact, in line with the theme and selection criteria defined for the current year.

  2. Submissions

    Associations or public bodies identify a volunteer committed to Luxembourg within their organisation and submit a dossier presenting the volunteer of their choice to the Agency. This stage is intended to be discreet, so that the deserving volunteer can be surprised.

  3. Evaluation

    The evaluation committee assesses the proposals against the eligibility criteria to determine the winner of the Volunteer Award of Merit, a representative of all those in the voluntary sector in Luxembourg who devote themselves to serving others.