Lipoedem Lëtzebuerg asbl

Lipoedem Lëtzebuerg asbl

Health Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) All audiences

+352 691 471 728 | 165 rue principale , 5366 Schuttrange


We are patients who provide information about lipedema and lymphedema.

Presentation of our organisation

We are sufferers who have come together to provide information about the diseases lipoedema and lymphoedema.
We accompany those affected on the path to diagnosis and on the path to the right therapy.
We also educate politicians, relatives, therapists, doctors, physiotherapists and interested parties about the disease.
In 2018, we also succeeded in having the disease recognised and some of the therapy points were accepted by the CNS. Today, we are still fighting for fair cost coverage for some therapy points.
We are accessible to everyone via our website. Our members can communicate with each other via an app and receive important information in this app.

Our next event

Wir sind regelmäßig im PatientenHouse anzutreffen für persönliche Gespräche.