Young Architects Association Asbl. (YAA)

Young Architects Association Asbl. (YAA)

Culture Education / Training All audiences

+352 661 199 652 | 52 Rue Nicolas Ries , 2428 Luxembourg


The aim of the Association is to represent young architects in Luxembourg, to look after their interests and to cultivate confraternal solidarity. This aim will be pursued through activities such as afterwork aperitifs, conferences, site visits and workshops on a regular basis.

Presentation of our organisation

The young architects association is a platform for young professionals, students and creatives in the fields of architecture and spatial design in Luxembourg.

It aims to provide a space to meet and exchange with likeminded people in order to forge a stronger bond among the new generation of designers in Luxembourg.

The impact of YAA operates at different scales.
Whether it is
- for young professionals seeking advice on how to establish themselves in Luxembourg,
- for future students seeking knowledge about different experiences of higher education,
- for students searching for the right practice for their first job or internship,
- to facilitate the collaboration among young designers of different fields,
- to represent and give a voice to young spatial designers.

The events organized by YAA entail afterwork apéros, conferences, site visits and workshops on a regular basis.