17 missions match your search

Sponsorship of Migrants and Refugees

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Culture Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Adults

We are looking for motivated volunteers to organise and accompany regular outings with a small group of adults, to help them discover the cultural and administrative environment in Luxembourg.

Culture Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together All audiences

We are looking for someone who is motivated to lead a conversation around a theme proposed by the team. This is a recurring activity where the volunteer leads round tables for migrants and refugees.

Companions for leisure (m/f)

Berodung, Betreiung, a Fräizäit
Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Leisure Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults Seniors

We're looking for volunteers to support the educators during the service's leisure activities (cultural, artistic and sporting outings and workshops, after-work sessions, etc.), as well as for in-house or service activities (culinary, digital and artistic workshops, etc.). The target group: blind and/or partially-sighted adults.

Course marshals during the ING Night Marathon in Luxembourg City

Hamradio Emergency Communication Group Luxembourg
Sports and leisure Living together Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults Seniors

Supporting the teams of the registered association to raise money to invest in the emergency and disaster communication squad, which is the purpose of the registered association.

Living together All audiences Urgent

Manage Activities, Cafés and Clubs: We're looking for an organised, dynamic volunteer with good people skills who is motivated to join our team and manage the organisation of activities, cafés and clubs. As a volunteer, you'll play a key role in coordinating and running our activities and events.

Translation of articles

Transition Minett
Environment Living together Leisure All audiences

We are a public association open to all citizens of Esch-sur-Alzette and the Minett region, and we are looking for volunteers to help us translate our documents, invitations, articles, newsletters, etc. into English, Luxembourgish and Portuguese.

Culture Education / Training Living together All audiences

Mir maache Filmer (Videoen) an der Gemeng Schëffleng. Mir ginn awer och uechter Land a filme Concerten, Theater etc Mir maachen de Montage vun onse Filmer an onsem Studio.