13 missions match your search

Online language practice

Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés
Culture Education / Training Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults Disadvantaged people

The project "practice a language online" was created for language learners to help them improve their vocabulary and gain confidence in expressing themselves orally.

Language cafe

Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés
Culture Education / Training Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults

You will be responsible for leading a small group of learners (4-5 people) in a language of your choice. The languages taught are, among others, Luxembourgish, French, German, English, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish.

Language Café

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Culture Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Refugees and displaced persons

The Migrants and Refugees Service of the Luxembourg Red Cross informs and assists migrants, especially those seeking international protection, throughout their stay in Luxembourg. One aspect of the service's work is the adapted care of migrants and the organisation of activities that promote their integration.