La Main Tendue a.s.b.l. Angéla

Bénévoles - Intervention thérapeutique Urgent opportunity for volunteering

La Main Tendue a.s.b.l. Angéla

Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Adults Seniors

Objective of the mission

The Listening, Support and Social Inclusion Centre of La Main Tendue a.s.b.l. Angela is looking for volunteers from the psychosocial field. The volunteer will provide listening and therapeutic support to beneficiaries in a congruent, caring and non-judgemental manner.

12/01/2024 to 30/03/2024

Regular mission

French Luxembourgish Portuguese
Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
As required

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

The Listening, Support and Social Inclusion Centre of La Main Tendue a.s.b.l. Angela is looking for volunteers from the psychosocial field.
The volunteer will provide listening and therapeutic support to beneficiaries in a congruent, caring and non-judgemental manner.

Our commitments

  • Volunteer agreement
  • Training

La Main Tendue a.s.b.l. Angéla

La Main Tendue asbl Angela est un centre d’aide, de soutien et d'inclusion sociale qui s'engage dans la prévention contre les actes de violence, qu’ils soient d’ordre physique, psychique et/ou sexuel.