Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Buddy-Programm Urgent opportunity for volunteering

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Leisure All audiences

Objective of the mission

Why a "Buddy-Programm"? - Betzdorf is an interculturell community - new inhabitants encounter various barriers - the first step into a local association or another offer is not that easy when you are alone and new in a community - information is often hard to find

13/02/2025 to 13/05/2025
German English Arabic Spanish French Italian Luxembourgish Portuguese
Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
As required

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

What's the "Buddy-Programm"?
- A "Buddy" is a friend who offers friendly help
- a person who already lives in the community for a certain time supports a person that just moved to the community or that still does not feel integrated
- the programm will start at the "Tour of the new inhabitants" and last up to one year
- the tandems will meet up and can decide their rhythm of meetings (1x/week up to 1x/month)
- they also meet in a big group (all tandems together) to go to local events
You want to be a "Buddy"
Get involved and sign up now!

Our commitments

  • Volunteer agreement
  • Volunteer insurance
  • Training
  • Personal assistance
  • Conviviality events

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Notre mission est d’aider les personnes vulnérables à vivre dignement et de manière autonome. En mobilisant la solidarité humaine, nous agissons de manière exemplaire, efficiente et responsable pour secourir les personnes en détresse et prévenir les situations de précarité matérielle, sanitaire et sociale, tant au Luxembourg qu’à l’étranger.