Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise


Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Environment Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Refugees and displaced persons

Objective of the mission

One aspect of the work of the Migrants and Refugees Service is the provision of appropriate care for migrants and the organisation of activities that promote their integration. We are looking for motivated and committed people to meet this objective.

13/07/2023 to 13/12/2025
French English Luxembourgish
Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
Daytime during the week , Weekday evening

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

We are looking for a volunteer who likes nature/plants, working outdoors. The volunteer must have basic gardening skills, good interpersonal skills in order to communicate and work together with a group of migrants in a shelter.

Our commitments

  • Volunteer agreement
  • Volunteer insurance
  • Training

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Notre mission est d’aider les personnes vulnérables à vivre dignement et de manière autonome. En mobilisant la solidarité humaine, nous agissons de manière exemplaire, efficiente et responsable pour secourir les personnes en détresse et prévenir les situations de précarité matérielle, sanitaire et sociale, tant au Luxembourg qu’à l’étranger.