Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Individual support in French

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Education / Training Young people (18 - 30 years)

Objective of the mission

Migrants & Refugees Service: we are looking for a volunteer to provide individual support in French. We would like to work at least twice a week, from 2pm.

17/03/2025 to 17/06/2025

Regular mission

Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
As required , Daytime during the week

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

Migrants & Refugees Service :
We are looking for a volunteer to provide individual support in French.
The resident in question is a beginner.
We would like to work with her at least 2 times a week, starting at 2pm.
A room and equipment will be made available.

Our commitments

  • Volunteer agreement
  • Volunteer insurance
  • Training
  • Reimbursement of costs
  • Personal assistance
  • Conviviality events

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Notre mission est d’aider les personnes vulnérables à vivre dignement et de manière autonome. En mobilisant la solidarité humaine, nous agissons de manière exemplaire, efficiente et responsable pour secourir les personnes en détresse et prévenir les situations de précarité matérielle, sanitaire et sociale, tant au Luxembourg qu’à l’étranger.