Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Mentor Let'z Work

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Education / Training Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Refugees and displaced persons

Objective of the mission

Do you have professional experience? Would you like to share your knowledge and make a difference? Become a mentor at Lët'z Work and help an applicant for international protection find a job.

Beaufort, Bech, Beckerich, Berdorf, Bertrange, Bettembourg, Bettendorf, Betzdorf, Bissen, Biwer, Boulaide, Bourscheid, Bous, Clervaux, Colmar-Berg, Consdorf, Contern, Dalheim, Diekirch, Differdange, Dippach, Dudelange, Echternach, Ell, Erpeldange-sur-Sûre, Esch-sur-Alzette, Esch-sur-Sûre, Ettelbruck, Feulen, Fischbach, Flaxweiler, Frisange, Garnich, Goesdorf, Grevenmacher, Grosbous, Habscht, Heffingen, Helperknapp, Hesperange, Junglinster, Käerjeng, Kayl, Kehlen, Kiischpelt, Koerich, Kopstal, Lac de la Haute-Sûre, Larochette, Lenningen, Leudelange, Lintgen, Lorentzweiler, Luxembourg, Mamer, Manternach, Mersch, Mertert, Mertzig, Mondercange, Mondorf-les-Bains, Niederanven, Nommern, Parc Hosingen, Pétange, Préizerdaul, Putscheid, Rambrouch, Reckange-sur-Mess, Redange, Reisdorf, Remich, Roeser, Rosport-Mompach, Rumelange, Saeul, Sandweiler, Sanem, Schengen, Schieren, Schifflange, Schuttrange, Stadtbredimus, Steinfort, Steinsel, Strassen, Tandel, Troisvierges, Useldange, Vallée de l'Ernz, Vianden, Vichten, Wahl, Waldbillig, Waldbredimus, Walferdange, Weiler-la-Tour, Weiswampach, Wiltz, Wincrange, Winseler, Wormeldange
13/02/2025 to 13/05/2025
Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
As required

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

Over a period of 6 months, at the rate of 1 to 2 meetings per month, you will help your mentee to :

o Set and achieve concrete career goals
o Explore possible career opportunities and expand their professional network
o Focus their job search efforts

Mentoring is the coaching process whereby an experienced person (the mentor) advises an inexperienced partner (the mentee) whose social, cognitive or technical skills and experience are insufficient.
It involves associating the project's target group with professionals from the world of work who have good professional contacts, helping them to familiarise themselves with the codes of conduct and culture of the professional world and to expand their professional network.

Our commitments

  • Training
  • Personal assistance

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise

Notre mission est d’aider les personnes vulnérables à vivre dignement et de manière autonome. En mobilisant la solidarité humaine, nous agissons de manière exemplaire, efficiente et responsable pour secourir les personnes en détresse et prévenir les situations de précarité matérielle, sanitaire et sociale, tant au Luxembourg qu’à l’étranger.