Cercle Eric Haas asbl

Secretariat Support

Cercle Eric Haas asbl

Education / Training Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Young people (18 - 30 years)

Objective of the mission

Secretarial work for a small non-profit organisation

14/02/2025 to 13/04/2025

Regular mission

French Luxembourgish
Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
As required

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

- sending out invitations and agendas for Board and AGM meetings
- thanks for donations
- annual report
- website management
- participation in the closing of the annual accounts

Our commitments

  • Volunteer agreement
  • Volunteer insurance
  • Training
  • Reimbursement of costs
  • Personal assistance
  • Conviviality events

Cercle Eric Haas asbl

Service de Logement en milieu ouvert destiné à des jeunes en détresse qui sont dans l'impossibilité d'avoir un logement adapté. Ce Service offre à chaque résident un logement encadré.