Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg

Stand for sales booths

Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg

Animals Environment All audiences

Objective of the mission

Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg (OUHL) needs support for its various sales stands.

Vallée de l'Ernz
01/03/2024 to 31/05/2024

Regular mission

German French Luxembourgish
Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
As required , Weekends and public holidays

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

We are looking for people to support us at our various sales stands. Your main mission will be to inform the general public about the different issues leading to the disappearance of the Orangutan and many other Indonesian species (i.e. deforestation - timber industry, palm oil, etc. - and poaching) and to raise funds.

Our commitments

  • Personal assistance

Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg

Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg vise à sauvegarder les espèces indonésiennes menacées d'extinction à travers le support financier de différentes associations indonésiennes tenant des centres de réhabilitation ou supportant de différentes manières la protection ou le rétablissement des forêts tropicales servant d'espace de vie à ces espèces.