Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg

Volunteer or Committee Member at Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg

Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg

Animals Environment All audiences

Objective of the mission

Support us in protecting orangutans and forests in Indonesia. Whether helping with stands, managing social media, fundraising, or education, contributing in one specific area is enough to advance our mission.

02/12/2024 to 28/02/2025

Regular mission

German Luxembourgish English French
Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
As required

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

Do you want to actively participate in nature conservation and work against deforestation and wildlife keeping? Then become part of Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg!

We are looking for volunteers who want to get involved in various areas – whether it's marketing, organisation or on-site work. This is how you can help:
- Marketing & social media: maintaining our website and social media channels
- Stand organisation: supporting us at information and sales stands
- Presentations: Informing schools and other institutions about our mission
- Sales: Helping with the organisation and sales at stands

Whether you want to support us occasionally at stands or on the board: We look forward to meeting you!

Please contact us by clicking on this mission.

Our commitments

  • Volunteer insurance
  • Personal assistance
  • Conviviality events

Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg

Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg vise à sauvegarder les espèces indonésiennes menacées d'extinction à travers le support financier de différentes associations indonésiennes tenant des centres de réhabilitation ou supportant de différentes manières la protection ou le rétablissement des forêts tropicales servant d'espace de vie à ces espèces.