This course will enable you to expand your knowledge of how to manage an association. You will review the legal bases and understand the role of the various players and the key moments in the management of an association.
This course will enable you to expand your knowledge of how to manage an association. You will review the legal bases and understand the role of the various players and the key moments in the management of an association.
This course will give you the knowledge you need to set up an association. You will learn about the legal bases and understand the rules for setting up an association and the basic elements you need to know to launch your association.
This course will give you the knowledge you need to set up an association. You will learn about the legal bases and understand the rules for setting up an association and the basic elements you need to know to launch your association.
L'Agence du Bénévolat propose aux associations des consultations juridiques individuelles pour mieux répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques. Elles sont dispensées par notre juriste sur rendez-vous uniquement et contre une contribution sur la base d'un forfait fixé à 100 euros/par heure.