Luxembourg Rescue Organisation (LRO)

Luxembourg Rescue Organisation (LRO)

Humanitarian help Health Relief All audiences

+352 49 77 14 400 | 1 Rue Emile Nilles , 6131 Junglinster


LRO organises rescue challenges and supports rescue services in low-income countries through its development aid programme.

Presentation of our organisation

The association was created on 9 February 2007 and has the following objectives

- to provide a platform for Luxembourg rescue service units to exchange, advance rescue techniques and technologies and develop skills in rescue, rescue vehicles, command of rescue operations and pre-hospital care;

- to promote and stimulate general interest in rescue techniques for trapped victims, to advance the knowledge and know-how of members of rescue service units and to create opportunities to improve their skills;

- to improve standard rescue techniques, promote best practice and develop a victim-centred approach based on a safety concept involving the organisation, the team and the individual;

- to organise extrication and rescue challenges and other events at regular intervals to enable rescue service units to improve their skills and practise under real conditions;

- to contribute to the development of fire and rescue services in developing countries;

- to carry out cooperation and mutual aid projects, particularly in the fields of pre-hospital care, rescue, road rescue and fire-fighting.

To this end, the LRO asbl has become a member of the World Rescue Organisation, which organises an annual worldwide rescue challenge and encourages the exchange and implementation of development aid projects with and between its member organisations.

In Luxembourg, "Rescue Challenges" have been organised at regular intervals since the National Civil Protection Day in Junglinster in 2006.

In 2007, the first Luxembourg team took part in the 9th World Rescue Challenge in Barcelona, Spain.

In addition, the LRO asbl regularly organises symposia, conferences, workshops and training days in the field of road rescue, pre-hospital care, road safety and other subjects related to the rescue services.

In 2017 and 2018, LRO asbl carried out its first development aid projects in Madagascar.

In February 2018, LRO was admitted as a member to the British organisation Fire Aid and International Development. Fire Aid is an alliance of organisations and services with a mutual interest in providing fire and rescue assistance to countries facing the greatest fire and rescue challenges.

Since 23 May 2019, LRO asbl has been a member of the Fédération nationale des pompiers du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

In September 2022, the WRC was organised in Luxembourg on the site of the National Fire and Rescue Centre.

Following on from the WRC, the LRO has also created a "RUD (Realistische Unfalldarstellung)" team. Realistic accident portrayal (RUD) involves the realistic production and staging of wounds and accidents. Non-professional actors, known as mimes, make-up artists and technicians work together to ensure that members of the emergency services are as well prepared as possible for accident situations. The aim is to prepare first responders or professionals so that they can correctly identify accident situations and injuries, and so that they can provide the right help in the right way.