9 missions match your search

Education / Training Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Seniors Urgent

GoldenMe is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing information, education and events that help people in the second half of life to acquire digital skills. Our mission is to support the digital inclusion of seniors.

Education / Training Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Seniors Urgent

GoldenMe is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing information, education and events that help people in the second half of life to acquire digital skills. Our mission is to support the digital inclusion of seniors.

Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Leisure Children (3 – 12 years)

TANDEM is a mentoring programme that pairs a child aged 8 to 10 with an adult mentor. During one year and over the course of 21 meetings, the tandem thus formed shares extracurricular activities of all kinds. This adventure allows the participants to discover new passions and new horizons.

Education / Training Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Seniors Urgent

GoldenMe is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing information, education and events that help people in the second half of life to acquire digital skills. Our mission is to support the digital inclusion of seniors.

Sports and leisure All audiences

We are looking for volunteers to pick up the signposting after the race.

Culture Environment Leisure All audiences Young people (18 - 30 years) Persons with disabilities

Join the Franco'family for a weekend or a week to experience a great music festival from the inside! Good humour is the order of the day, between the public, the teams and the artists. The volunteers make the festival possible and shape it in their own image!

Translation of articles

Transition Minett
Environment Living together Leisure All audiences

We are a public association open to all citizens of Esch-sur-Alzette and the Minett region, and we are looking for volunteers to help us translate our documents, invitations, articles, newsletters, etc. into English, Luxembourgish and Portuguese.