54 missions match your search

Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults Urgent

Personalised support for one or more mentees seeking or enjoying international protection in Luxembourg in their personal preparation and job search. Minimum commitment period of 6 months, minimum number of meetings with the mentee: 6

Luxembourg National Youth Orchestra / Spring Project 2025

Orchestre National des Jeunes du Luxembourg
Culture Education / Training Teenagers (12 - 18 years) Young people (18 - 30 years)

From 11 to 20 April 2025, the Orchestre National des Jeunes du Luxembourg will be welcoming around 70 young musicians between the ages of 13 and 30 to the Mierscher Theater in Mersch for our spring project. We are looking for volunteers who would like to strengthen and support the production team during this intensive week.

Course marshals during the ING Night Marathon in Luxembourg City

Hamradio Emergency Communication Group Luxembourg
Sports and leisure Living together Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults Seniors

Supporting the teams of the registered association to raise money to invest in the emergency and disaster communication squad, which is the purpose of the registered association.

Education / Training Children (3 – 12 years) Teenagers (12 - 18 years) Young people (18 - 30 years)

This mission consists of providing children, teenagers and young people with fun and scientific activities based on the theme of Living Together. The venues are schools, maisons relais, refugee hostels, etc. Volunteers are expected to accompany and help the senior, experienced mediator.

Humanitarian help Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Sports and leisure Early childhood (0 - 3 years) Children (3 – 12 years) Teenagers (12 - 18 years)

SOS Children's Villages Monde Luxembourg is a charity partner of the ING Marathon. By participating as a volunteer in this event, you will ensure a donation for our emergency aid against drought, famine and civil war in Ethiopia.

Humanitarian help Health Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults Seniors

To provide social, humanitarian, medical and surgical assistance to people in need, especially the most needy, in Luxembourg and Africa.

Sponsorship of Migrants and Refugees

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Culture Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Adults

We are looking for motivated volunteers to organise and accompany regular outings with a small group of adults, to help them discover the cultural and administrative environment in Luxembourg.

Children's entertainers - STAFF

CISV Luxembourg (Children's International Summer Villages)
Education / Training Children (3 – 12 years) Teenagers (12 - 18 years) Young people (18 - 30 years)

We're looking for leaders aged 21 (at least) to supervise 11-year-olds at a 4-week international camp in Luxembourg (July-August) welcoming 10 delegations from different countries around the world.