
The benevolat.lu platform allows Caritas Luxembourg to reach people who don't go directly to our website.

Published on 21/02/2024

Andrea Beestermöller, Volunteering Coordinator - Caritas Luxembourg, shares her experience of using benevolat.lu.

Andrea Beestermöller - Coordinatrice Bénévolat – Caritas Luxembourg

Was it easy to register your association and create your mission(s) on the benevolat.lu platform? 

 Using the platform is simple and straightforward. The Agence du Bénévolat team is also available to help by telephone.

It is advisable to start by writing longer texts (for example a description of the association and its various tasks) outside the platform. 

2.      What types of work do you offer? 

 We offer social work assignments for refugees or other people in need. Normally, the work is done in pairs by a volunteer and a beneficiary.


Fondation Caritas

Caritas Luxembourg est une organisation qui agit pour l’inclusion sociale au Luxembourg et dans le monde. Caritas (l’amour du prochain en latin) lie tous les êtres humains et les appelle à l’action chaque fois qu’une personne se trouve dans une situation de détresse. Caritas met en œuvre cet amour du prochain.