Agence du Bénévolat
Since 2002, the Agence du Bénévolat's mission has been to promote and develop volunteering in Luxembourg among organisations that call on volunteers, the general public and the public authorities.
Published on 08/11/2024 by Agence du Bénévolat
The « Agence du Bénévolat » launches the "Ech si Benevole" campaign, aiming to inspire people from all backgrounds to discover the diverse opportunities of volunteering and actively participate in initiatives that strengthen our social community.
"Ech si Benevole" Campaign – An invitation to get involved
The « Agence du Bénévolat » launches the "Ech si Benevole" campaign, aiming to inspire people from all backgrounds to discover the diverse opportunities of volunteering and actively participate in initiatives that strengthen our social community. A national poster campaign across Luxembourg, featuring real volunteers from all walks of life, will show that anyone can make a meaningful contribution, regardless of their background or availability.
This campaign will be accompanied by press articles until December 5, Volunteer Day, where inspiring stories will be shared. It’s a call to action, encouraging everyone to see volunteering as a chance for personal growth and community engagement.
Follow and share this unique human experience with us on social media using the hashtag #EchSiBenevole.
Since 2002, the Agence du Bénévolat's mission has been to promote and develop volunteering in Luxembourg among organisations that call on volunteers, the general public and the public authorities.