Hobbykënschtler Lëtzebuerg asbl (HOBBYKL)

Hobbykënschtler Lëtzebuerg asbl (HOBBYKL)

Culture Adults

+352 26 33 19 71 | 251 route de Luxembourg , 7374


We are an association that has set itself the goal of participating in leisure and creative markets and organizing them

Presentation of our organisation

Hobbykënschtler Lëtzebuerg ass eng a.s.b.l. déi sech als Ziel gesat huet fir d´Hobbyleit ze
ënnerstëtzen fir u Mäert respektiv un Ausstellungen Deel ze huelen. Et gëtt esouvill Leit, déi
doheem engem Hobby no ginn a sech net trauen hir Wierker ënnert d´Leit ze bréngen.
Ganz oft hunn d’Läit aus gesondheetlechen Ursaachen geroden kritt fir engem Hobby
nozegoen, mee meeschtens hunn déi Leit net de Courage fir sech dobaussen ze weisen,
si sammelen hir Wierker am Haus, an no enger Zäit hu se ganz oft keng Loscht méi fir
sech weider ze entwéckelen. Am Ufank kréien ganz oft all déi No aus de Familljen
a gutt Bekannten eppes geschenkt (oder och verkaaft) wat ee kreéiert huet,
mee no enger Zäit mécht dat och keng Freed méi.

Mir versichen Hobbyleit matzehuelen, déi net de Courage hunn sech selwer op d'Been
ze setzen fir op Hobbymäert mat ze goen.
Hobbykënschtler Lëtzebuerg asbl wëll genee deene Leit hëllefen. Mir organiséieren duerfir
uechtert d`ganzt Land Hobbymäert an Ausstellungen a versichen dat mat esou wéineg
wéi méiglech Onkäschten ze maachen. Och aner Organisateuren trieden un ons erun a
mir vermëttelen eise Memberen dann déi Kontaktadressen.

Mir versichen de Leit hir sozial Kontakter opzebauen. Eis Memberen fanne ganz oft
op de Mäert déi selwecht Aussteller erëm, an doduerch hu sech schonns munch
Frëndschafte gebillt. D’Schaffen am Grupp huet och nach de e grousse Virdeel dass een
net ëmmer muss 100 % präsent sinn.

De Veräin besteet elo zënter 2012 an elo op den 31.12.2021 hat de Veräin 351 Hobbykënschtler als Memberen.
Déi ganz Organisatiounen, déi mir maachen si mat vill Aarbecht verbonnen an sinn
e „Fulltime Job“. Mir stieche vill Energie an Zäit dran fir onse Memberen flott Mäert
an Ausstellungen ze erméiglechen.
Hobby artists Luxembourg is an a.s.b.l. which has set itself as a goal for hobbyists
support to participate in markets and exhibitions. There are so many people who
following a hobby at home and not daring to bring their works to the public.
Very often people have been advised for health reasons for a hobby
follow, but most of the time these people don't have the courage to show themselves outside,
they collect their works in the house, and after a while they often don't feel like it anymore
to develop further. In the beginning, very often all the close ones get from the families
and give (or even sell) something that you created to a good friend,
but after a while that doesn't make you happy either.

We try to include hobbyists who don't have the courage to start their own business
to go to hobby markets.
Hobbykünstler Luxembourg asbl wants to help exactly those people. That's why we organize
throughout the country hobby markets and exhibitions and try to do it with so little
as possible to make expenses. Other organizers also join us
we then pass on the contact addresses to our members.

We try to build people's social contacts. Our members often find
on the markets the same exhibitors again, and thus have already munch
Friendship educated. Working in a group also has one big advantage
does not always have to be 100% present.

The club has been in existence since 2012 and now on 31.12.2021 the club had 351 hobby artists as members.
All the organizations that we do are connected with a lot of work and are
a "full-time job". We put a lot of energy and time into creating great markets for our members
and to enab