SOS Détresse - mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online asbl

SOS Détresse - mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online asbl

Health Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults Seniors

+352 45 45 45 | BP 620 , 2016 Luxembourg


SOS Détresse - Mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online offers help to anyone in distress, by telephone and online, anonymously and confidentially.

Presentation of our organisation

For over 45 years, SOS Détresse has been committed to providing easily accessible and discreet help to people in distress. Phone calls and emails are seen as simple and easy by most people: no need to make an appointment, no need to travel to get help and no need to be seen in public.

Annually we receive about 4000 calls from people in various life situations:

- People looking for clarification and support in interpersonal conversations – be this in terms of a concrete, extremely sensitive experience or about their entire life situation,
- People in acute life, relationship, family and suicidal crises,
- People in long-term difficult life situations who suffer from health/mental problems, addictions, loneliness…

The task of our volunteer members on the phone or in the email counselling is to meet those affected as an empathic interlocutor.

We try to encourage people in situations of acute distress or in long-term difficult life situations to find access to inner peace, personal strengths and new perspectives in their life. An important objective is also to support those seeking advice to trust other people (again) and to accept their help.