14 missions match your search

Culture Environment Leisure All audiences

On our various sites: Visitor information, Guidance, Access control, Installation control, etc. Presence by prior agreement according to our calendar of events,

Translation of articles

Transition Minett
Environment Living together Leisure All audiences

We are a public association open to all citizens of Esch-sur-Alzette and the Minett region, and we are looking for volunteers to help us translate our documents, invitations, articles, newsletters, etc. into English, Luxembourgish and Portuguese.

Leisure All audiences

We are working on a project to socialise several cultures by dancing and singing in the language of their choice.

Education / Training Leisure All audiences

This national challenge aims to develop young people's skills and self-esteem.

Holiday camp animators

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Education / Training Living together Leisure Children (3 – 12 years) Teenagers (12 - 18 years) Young people (18 - 30 years)

The Red Cross Youth helps young people between 15 and 30 years old to develop their own identity by helping others. This is possible in a comprehensive way through holiday stays, by becoming a support worker for children and young people, but also through projects.