14 missions match your search

Holiday camp animators

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Education / Training Living together Leisure Children (3 – 12 years) Teenagers (12 - 18 years) Young people (18 - 30 years)

The Red Cross Youth helps young people between 15 and 30 years old to develop their own identity by helping others. This is possible in a comprehensive way through holiday stays, by becoming a support worker for children and young people, but also through projects.


Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Leisure All audiences Urgent

Why a "Buddy-Programm"? - Betzdorf is an interculturell community - new inhabitants encounter various barriers - the first step into a local association or another offer is not that easy when you are alone and new in a community - information is often hard to find

Culture Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Leisure All audiences

Vintage Mood is a community shop selling small second-hand accessories, clothes and books to the general public. The shop is open to everyone, offering a chance to buy items at reduced prices.

GERO is looking for athletic volunteers

GERO - Kompetenzzenter fir den Alter
Health Sports and leisure Leisure Adults Seniors

Are you over 50 and eager to share your passion for sports activities with others? Then join our Silver Experts group!

Recreational workshops

HUT - Hëllef um Terrain
Leisure Early childhood (0 - 3 years) Children (3 – 12 years) Teenagers (12 - 18 years)

Offer drawing classes.

Companions for leisure (m/f)

Berodung, Betreiung, a Fräizäit
Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Leisure Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults Seniors

We're looking for volunteers to support the educators during the service's leisure activities (cultural, artistic and sporting outings and workshops, after-work sessions, etc.), as well as for in-house or service activities (culinary, digital and artistic workshops, etc.). The target group: blind and/or partially-sighted adults.

Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Leisure Children (3 – 12 years)

TANDEM is a mentoring programme that pairs a child aged 8 to 10 with an adult mentor. During one year and over the course of 21 meetings, the tandem thus formed shares extracurricular activities of all kinds. This adventure allows the participants to discover new passions and new horizons.

Culture Environment Leisure All audiences Young people (18 - 30 years) Persons with disabilities

Join the Franco'family for a weekend or a week to experience a great music festival from the inside! Good humour is the order of the day, between the public, the teams and the artists. The volunteers make the festival possible and shape it in their own image!