Assistance and resources


How to become a volunteer

Checklist for volunteers

Before joining an organisation as a volunteer, you should ask the following questions during your first interview:

Induction period

  • Duration
  • Who is going to initiate you
  • Areas of activity
  • Closing arrangements


  • Who is responsible for the follow-up
  • Frequency and form


  • Working hours
  • Missions
  • Possibilities to organise
  • Division of tasks between volunteers and professionals

Decision-making power

  • When and where is it possible to participate in decision making

Reimbursement of expenses

  • Type of expenses
  • How are expenses reimbursed


  • Liability and accident insurance

Conflict management

  • Done by whom and when

Training/Continuing education

  • Possibilities / Costs

Good to know

Accident insurance (accidents at work and commuting accidents)

An occupational accident is one that occurs to an insured person as a result of work or in the course of work.

The journey to and from work is considered to be an occupational accident.

The same applies to the journey made to drop off or pick up a child who lives in the same household as the insured person, with a third person to whom he is obliged to entrust him in order to be able to pursue a professional occupation. The following are compulsorily insured against the risk of an accident at work

  • Persons who are gainfully employed or self-employed in the country;
  • Apprentices;
  • Seafarers under the Luxembourg flag;
  • Members of religious organisations;
  • Persons who participate in a cooperation activity or a peacekeeping operation;
  • Volunteers in the army;
  • young people taking part in voluntary activities.

In addition, the accident insurance scheme manages on behalf of the State the special schemes covering the following persons

  • schoolchildren, pupils and students admitted to early childhood, pre-school, school and university education, including peri-pre-school, extra-curricular and peri-university activities, children under 6 years of age who are in the care of an approved organisation (working in the social, family and therapeutic fields)
  • persons taking part in rescue and salvage operations for the person and property of a third party in danger, in theoretical and practical exercises directly related to these operations, provided that these activities are carried out within the framework of an organisation or body which usually pursues such objectives on a voluntary basis, as well as in rescue and salvage operations carried out spontaneously by a private individual for a person or property of a third party exposed to imminent danger on the territory of the Grand Duchy ;
  • persons carrying out an activity on a voluntary basis in the social, socio-educational, medico-social or therapeutic field for the benefit of an organisation approved by the State;
  • ...

In the area of health and pension insurance, the state pays the contributions for young people who take part in voluntary activities.

In all other cases of voluntary work, it is therefore up to the organisations themselves to take out insurance and provide protection for their members.