Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés

Direct oral translate

Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés

Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) Living together Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults

Objective of the mission

The “Direct Oral Translation – TOD” service wishes to encourage and support the equal participation of all citizens in meetings, conferences, demonstrations, regardless of the language conveyed.

30/06/2024 to 30/09/2024
German English Arabic Spanish French Italian Luxembourgish
Remote work
Accessible to PRM
Preferred availability
As required

Presentation of the opportunity for volunteering

The “Direct Oral Translation – TOD” service wishes to encourage and support the equal participation of all citizens in meetings, conferences, demonstrations, regardless of the language conveyed. The content of a speech or an intervention is translated directly and orally by a person from our team of oral translators. Thus a person who does not master the language used during the meeting / event can follow it - in real time - in a language that he masters.

Our service thus offers a way to overcome language barriers and bring all citizens closer together by encouraging them to actively participate in social life in Luxembourg.

Our team of people (TODists) perform direct oral translation by whispering into a microphone using translation boxes.

Frequency: depending on the times of the events to be translated orally and your availability
Date: mainly in the evening during the week and on weekends
Location: Depending on the location of the event to be translated
- Perfect mastery especially of the Luxembourgish language allowing to translate in real time and orally into either German, French, English, Portuguese and/or another language
- Interest in news of cultural, social, environmental and/or political life
- Be available especially in the evenings and weekends

Our commitments

  • Training
  • Personal assistance
  • Conviviality events

Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés

ASTI aims to defend the rights and interests of immigrants. Its proposals and demands in the field of schooling, equal rights, the fight against discrimination, the commitment with refugees and undocumented migrants are based on field work with children, young people and adults.