
The Agence du Bénévolat and the Ministère de la Famille renew the "Schenk deng Zäit" volunteering awareness campaign

Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) All audiences Volunteers

Published on 17/11/2023 by Agence du Bénévolat

The Agence du Bénévolat, with the support of the Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration, is pleased to be renewing its multilingual campaign to raise awareness of volunteering, "Schenk deng Zäit / Donne ton temps / Give your time / Schenk deine Zeit", from mid-November to mid-December.

The campaign invites people to discover the variety of ways in which volunteering can help, from protecting the environment to helping the elderly, supporting sport or helping animals.

Supporting voluntary organisations

In the run-up to the campaign, voluntary organisations are being urged to share their volunteer assignments on the platform in order to raise their profile.

In fact, the online presence and local promotion of the platform will be considerably strengthened thanks to a communication campaign including advertisements in the press, posters on the back of buses and at the Kinépolis Kirchberg cinema, as well as targeted advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google.

Dear associations, we also encourage you to support this campaign to develop volunteer involvement in support of associative life by sharing the visual of the campaign with your network.

Encouraging volunteer involvement

The "Schenk deng Zäit" campaign has three main objectives:

  • Discover the variety of voluntary work
  • Volunteering opportunities are available in a variety of fields, including social work, integration, the environment and animal welfare, sport and culture, etc.
  • Showing that volunteering is a way of giving value to your time and meaning to your actions

Finally, dear volunteers, by joining an association, you can achieve great things thanks to the power of working together, the strength of the collective, and the richness of the intergenerational and intercultural experience. Being a volunteer gives you the pleasure of being useful and helping others, and the pride of being entrusted with missions that have a positive impact and advance causes that are close to your heart. All the volunteer opportunities are available on the new digital platform,

Agence du Bénévolat

Since 2002, the Agence du Bénévolat's mission has been to promote and develop volunteering in Luxembourg among organisations that call on volunteers, the general public and the public authorities.

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