
Voluntary work in Luxembourg

Volunteering is about giving the time you want (a little, a lot or passionately) to support an opportunity and help others. It's also about having fun, meeting people with the same values or commonalities, sharing good times and doing something you enjoy based on your interests and the opportunities you care about.

Our new missions

Education / Training Children (3 – 12 years) Teenagers (12 - 18 years) Young people (18 - 30 years)

This mission consists of providing children, teenagers and young people with fun and scientific activities based on the theme of Living Together. The venues are schools, maisons relais, refugee hostels, etc. Volunteers are expected to accompany and help the senior, experienced mediator.

Luxembourg National Youth Orchestra / Spring Project 2025

Orchestre National des Jeunes du Luxembourg
Culture Education / Training Teenagers (12 - 18 years) Young people (18 - 30 years)

From 11 to 20 April 2025, the Orchestre National des Jeunes du Luxembourg will be welcoming around 70 young musicians between the ages of 13 and 30 to the Mierscher Theater in Mersch for our spring project. We are looking for volunteers who would like to strengthen and support the production team during this intensive week.

11.5 LUGA Opening in Ettelbruck

Ettelbruck City Tourist Office
Education / Training Environment Living together All audiences

LUGA (Luxembourg Urban Garden) in Ettelbruck aims to promote urban gardening by creating green spaces where residents can grow fruits and vegetables. This initiative encourages sustainability, ecological education, and social cohesion, while strengthening local community engagement.

Help with French homework

HUT - Hëllef um Terrain
Education / Training Teenagers (12 - 18 years)

Explain difficult concepts and clarify points that the student does not understand. Helping to organise and manage work, revise subjects and prepare students for upcoming exams. Help students stay motivated and confident in their abilities.

Education / Training Environment Health All audiences

As part of an event organised from 10 to 21 June on sustainable development, we'll need help with our sales and awareness-raising stand at the City Concorde shopping centre in Bertrange.

Study room Graffiti project

Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Culture Young people (18 - 30 years) Adults

Migrants and Refugees Service: As part of the renovation of the study room in our hostel, we are looking for someone to do some graffiti on a wall, in connection with knowledge and learning. Materials will be provided.

Finding my field of action

News on volunteering

Neit ASBL-Gesetz - Informatiounsversammlungen

Education / Training Adults Organisations

Fir Iech bei der Konformitéit mam Gesetz vum 7. August 2023 iwwer d’ASBLen an d’Stëftungen ze hëllefen, stelle mir Iech eng Rei praktesch Ressourcen an Informatiounen zur Verfügung.

Journée du Bénévolat 2024 : hommage aux héros invisibles du quotidien

Animals Culture Education / Training Humanitarian help Health Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) All audiences Volunteers

À l’occasion de la Journée Internationale du Bénévolat, l’Agence du Bénévolat a mis en lumière la diversité et l’impact profond du travail bénévole, illustrant de manière éloquente comment l’engagement individuel peut enrichir durablement la vie des personnes.

"Ech si Benevole" Campaign – An invitation to get involved

Animals Culture Education / Training Health Social (Health / Solidarity / Integration) All audiences Volunteers

The « Agence du Bénévolat » launches the "Ech si Benevole" campaign, aiming to inspire people from all backgrounds to discover the diverse opportunities of volunteering and actively participate in initiatives that strengthen our social community. is evolving!

Living together All audiences Organisations

Discover the latest developments of the platform to strengthen the search and management of volunteers for associations.

We support you

Opening up

The world of organisations is full of opportunities and activities. During our individual volunteer consultations, we help you to find a volunteer position that suits you according to your interests, your talents and your availability.


Training courses can be offered on request to introduce you to volunteering or to facilitate your volunteering through the development of soft-skills, particularly in the context of helping particularly vulnerable groups.


What is volunteering? How can you become a volunteer and make the most of your experience? We answer all your questions by email or during our phone sessions and share information and news related to the organisation.

Even more support from the Agence du Bénévolat

Information on volunteering

What is volunteering? How does it differ from volunteering?

Why and how to become a volunteer? Are there any specific leaves of absence to get involved?

What are the elements to consider in order to be a successful volunteer? Is there any training for volunteers?

Valuing volunteer commitment

You have acquired knowledge and know-how through your voluntary activities.

How can you have your skills and commitment officially recognised?

What are the different ways to have your voluntary commitment recognised?